Welcome to Christian Faith Fellowship Church! From the beginning, this church has had one simple goal – to help people connect with God so that they might reach their full potential. With the help of the initial Launch Team, this dream was realized on October 8th, 2017 in Chandler, Arizona.
We are focused on personally reaching those who do not know God and building relationships via encounters at ‘tables’ throughout the valley. The life-giving message of the Gospel, the passion and joy of live services, and the tenacity of Christian Faith to serve humanity has helped to develop our niche.
We invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is simple, “Reaching People That Are Near to Us but Far From God.”
We Are…
Knowing who you are not helps you to focus in on who you are. We are called to express Jesus Christ in a unique way that is reflective of who He is as we present Him to the communities we are called to serve in the valley. Because of knowing who we are not it has enabled us to know precisely who we are. We are Christian Faith Fellowship Church!
Love God.
The greatest commandment given to man is for us to love God with all of our heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37). We endeavor to provide spaces where we can collectively and individually celebrate and learn more about God so that we can fulfill the greatest commandment given to us. God wants to know us personally. More than just practicing religion, He wants a relationship with us. So whether you're new to the faith, have questions, or have been a Christ follower for a long time, our services are a safe place to learn more about what it means to know God and grow closer to Him.
Love Yourself.
The second greatest commandment is like the first and we are instructed to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). We often begin loving other people without first embracing the importance of loving ourselves. We are all an important part of God’s plan, and our life will never make sense until we discover our purpose. Our Growth Track and Tables are designed to help us take the necessary steps in the important process of discovering that purpose.
Love People.
We can now love our neighbor because we have learned how to love ourselves because we know that God loves us (Matthew 22:39 and John 3:16). God designed us to live in community and to make a difference in the lives of other people. When we do, the Bible tells us we will experience joy. Through our Dream Team and Missions, we hope to connect every person to an opportunity to live out their life calling by using their gifts and talents to serve others in the church and the community.